
Showing posts from May, 2024

Sensory for Babies

 Make no mistake babies want to and love to play. Did you know the most critical year in anybodies life is 0-1. Yes that right so it’s important that we do our very best for our little ones from the very start.  Sensory activities are great because they engage most if not all senses. The more senses engaged the more connections are made in their little brains ready to embed a skill and move one to the next milestone.  Heuristic play Sensory bags Babies tend to explore most of the world around therm through their mouth. If it’s not their mouth they  are grasping the tight to objects  Sensory dens  These sensory dens/ tent change over time and with age, interests and the next milestones they need to make.  Here there different coloured dimmed lights. (Helps to learn different colours. Teddy bear. (Teddy bears are useful for many types of reasons. Supports imaginative play and supports emotional regulation) see if you can spot the other resources and gues...

Let me Sleep !!

 This post is inspired from all of my experience. Getting sleep and staying asleep can feel like a never ending experiment, to say the least. This article will be ever changing and be more and more refined as I find and try new information, advice and tricks. This is to ultimately give you and the children sufficient sleep. I'm not an medical expert so if are having abnormal sleep patterns seek medical help. TIP 1.  GET TO A GOOD START What I mean by this is that it’s important to have well stimulated and nutritious day to have sufficient and beneficial sleep. Question how do you feel after a lazy day eating nothing but crisps, biscuits and other snacks? Do you sleep well that night or are you tossing and turning, scrolling on your phone hoping that will send you asleep? I think it fair to say we don’t always sleep well on those days.  Let’s flip it then. How do you feel after a good day at work you come home have a filling dinner? And how is your sleep that night? If we ...