The Minefield of Shapes and Numbers
The Minefield of Shapes and Numbers
Increasingly we are bombarded with the importance of maths specifically, shapes and numbers. Your child needs to be able to count to 10, does he/she know all their shapes yet? And can they recognise all their numbers too?!! You soon find yourself in the child development rat race, having maths time and buying expensive jigsaw puzzles, blocks, and other resources for them in the hope they become a maths genius, all by the age of 3 years old!
Counting to 10, being able to name shapes and recognise numbers isn’t a memory game for children, it should be a learning experience a fun and engaging one for all involved.
So, let’s hop out the rat race and create purposeful, engaging activities together and have FUN.
Number pairs
Being able to count and recognise a number is one thing but to know the value of a number is another. This builds a solid foundation for them to expand on their numerical maths when entering big school.
1) What you need:
· Cardboard boxes (from those online orders …… that’s right I see you)
· Sharpie/pen/pencil
· Scissors
The Steps:
· Cut squares for the numbers. - (you can choose 1-5/1-10/and beyond, this is all dependent on your little one’s age and knowledge beforehand.)
· Cut or save a large piece – this will be the mat you use to match number to quantity
This is one to save, as this activity grows with your child. You can start with number 1-5 /1-5 whatever you think is best. Choose a number and model with object of your choice. I used shells & pebbles here as we went to the seaside the day previous but, you can use anything!!! Whether you’re at home or outside. Leaves, sticks, acorns, pebbles, spoons, pens, and coasters. (Literally anything)
Top Tip!
It’s important you model first then let them have a turn or challenge you on a number interaction is always key. Then try the other way round place a number of objects and then guess the number. Plus get the child/children involved making it with you, they love to be involved plus it supports other mini milestones they need to achieve such as ‘making snips with scissors, making marks, holding a marking making tool’ all of these supports school readiness and their relationship with you. Mini milestones and special moments.
2) Chatter Box
Sight Word Chatterboxes: Free Printable » Grade Onederful
Who remembers chatter boxes? They were certainly the craze back in my day and they still should be!
What you need:
· Paper/card
· Pencils/pens
· Imagination
This is what I did but you can make you own activities up depending on their own interests and abilities. The possibilities are endless with this activity as they can use it with their friends and family members to having fun whilst engaging in purposeful learning.
3) Let’s not Forget the Classics!
· Hide and seek – you can always change the game a bit. Count to 5/10/12/15/20, Hide objects (4 coasters, 2 spoons etc) Psssstt… This will help them learn number order but it’s okay if they get muddled up at times you just keep modelling the correct way that’s the trick…. You got this!!!
· Singing 5 little Ducks, 5 green Bottles, 5 monkeys jumping on the bed and 5 speckled frogs. Psssstt… This will help them learn number order.
You can always and expand on any activity even songs so here are a little tip from me.
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· If you have rubber ducks, you can use them when its bath time singing and taking away one duck at a time. They will be soon a maths genius subtracting already!!
· Let your child/children be the charters in the song. Whether they are jumping on the bed or anywhere else this way they can make more connections in their little brains and stronger connections, so they have a good number knowledge.
· Hopscotch – could use different shapes and numbers.
· Counting steps on stairs- home & outside
4) Now shapes
Remember our Number pair activity well this is an extension from that.
The steps:
- Keep the all the parts from the previous activity
- Use paper or recycle from other packaging, draw, and cut different shapes you can cut specific shapes you think your child’s needs to know or shapes they don’t know yet.
- You don’t need to do this next step its totally up to you and what age and stage you child is at. If you’re not quite sure communicate with your key worker at nursery/ childminder they should have some sort of idea. (They regularly assess your Childs development) you can add the words to the shape, dot, and line them underneath phonically this is supporting their reading skills! An expert practitioner always includes all areas of learning.
1) I spy
“I spy with my little eye something the shape of……” This classic game is great to play anywhere whether your driving, on the bus, in the park or at home. This gets children to make those strong connections in the brain associating shapes with real life objects they see in their day-to-day life.
What about “I spy with my little eye something that has 4 wheels” or “I spy with my little eye something that has 5 toes” yes you can adapt the I spy game with numbers too! I have made some handy sheets if you would like to use along with all the other resources I have mentioned too.
Have fun, share and support.
We’ve got this!!
See you on the next one
Mya x
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